(First drafted 23/02/22)

Today I have started the adventure of a lifetime and I cannot tell you how excited I am. For the past year, if not longer, I have had the most continual itch to leave the UK. In the early stages I didn’t know if this meant temporarily or permanently; whether I was responding to the malaise of the pandemic of a spiritual call, but I knew that I needed to get out. I also knew where I needed to head: Ghana.
It was (and is) time for me to test a theory I have made many a grandiose claim about. That is the claim that the west is not the be all and end all. There is joy, success and fulfilment to be found in other parts of the world. That the continual rat race cannot be the only way of life. However, until I test this for myself, I am speaking on something I really have no idea about. So, after much time saving, navigating red tape, and a few disappointments, it is finally time to take the plunge. I am going to spend the next 3 months living, working and experiencing life in Ghana.
Fortunately, my Grandmother lives out here so I have a base for a starting point, and some support that I can lean into. For example, I did not have to navigate getting a taxi from the airport, which seems one of the most challenging parts so far.
I am writing this from my bed, the night after my arrival. While apprehension is tugging at my trouser leg, the feeling I am most identifying with currently is unadulterated excitement. I made it (step one) and I am determined to make something of it.
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